
Pet Loss, Grief and Bereavement Support
Pet Loss, Grief and Bereavement Support
Having a pet as part of your family is an amazing and oftentimes adventurous part of life. They become our roommates, our personal pilers of comfort, our entertainment, and much, much more but most importantly, they become our best friends.
No matter how attentive we are to our pets, there comes a moment when we realize that our beloved friend has lost some of his/her "pep in their step", see a slight stumble, or notice they are slow to respond to our voice. Maybe he/she is still young but received a terminal diagnosis. Either way, knowing that our time with them is nearing the end can create feelings of anxiety and depression which are all a part of the grieving process.
The impact of losing our beloved pets can be devastating and lonesome. The void that is left behind is indescribable and at times unbearable. We understand and are here to help. We provide support groups and individual sessions for all phases of grieving.
To register for a group or individual session, please complete the forms below and electronically submit them or bring them to the clinic. Excepted forms of payment are cash and check only.
Group sessions are held on the first Saturday of every month in the downstairs meeting room at Center West Animal Hospital. Consisting of no more than 10 people, the meetings will be held from 1p-2p.
Individual sessions are conducted via phone. Availability is based on the schedule of the facilitator and attendee.